Make a donation.

Thank you so much for your online contribution to the Campaign to Elect Karen Faulkner for District Court Judge! We can and will win this election, but we can't do it without the support of people like you. Your contribution will be put to good use between now and May.

Please make checks payable to:
Committee to Elect Karen Faulkner

Mail to:
Committee to Elect Karen Faulkner 
514 South 5th St. Suite 102
Louisville, Ky 40202

Personal contributions cannot exceed $2,000 per contributor, per election cycle. Corporate contributions are prohibited. Registered lobbyist are prohibited from contributing.

Please spread the word about our website! We are very encouraged by the response we have seen so far, and look forward to a fun and exciting election season. We will be present at lots of events around town, and hope to see you there!

We are also engaged in a sweeping social media campaign. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We hope that you will tell your friends and family about this very important election. Thank you again for your support! Hope to see you at the primary in May!

Karen Faulkner